Securing a green recovery is key to creating a cleaner and more sustainable society, where our natural environment is protected and our ecosystem restored. To do this the Prime Minister has announced a new Ten Point Plan, which will see the creation of thousands of new green jobs and new national parks.
Restoring and protecting our natural environment is an integral part of our plan but also creating green jobs is vital. £40 million of additional investment in the Green Recovery Challenge Fund will go towards creating and retaining thousands of new jobs. Funding will be awarded to environmental charities and partners to restore the natural environment and progress work to address climate change and the loss of biodiversity.
10 Landscape recovery projects will be launched over the next four years to restore woodlands, peatlands and create a wilder landscape. In South Derbyshire we are home to the National Forest, a beautiful iconic landscape in England which has already planted thousands of trees. The National Forest should be a role model for these new projects, restoring natural beauty for all to enjoy. The new projects will help restore the equivalent of over 30,000 football pitches of wildlife and rich habitat.
The projects will be established over the next four years through the Government’s Environmental Land Management scheme, which will be centred around support aimed at incentivising sustainable farming practices, creating habitats for nature recovery and supporting the establishment of new woodland and other ecosystem services to help tackle challenges like climate change.
I look forward to these plans being established over the next four years so we can see and enjoy a more natural landscape, one that future generations can appreciate.