Protecting and championing the relationship between our four nations is both right and important for future generations and the development of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. One way in which we can do this is by increasing connectivity. I am pleased to see the Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps undertake a review on connectivity between our four nations.
The review will be Chaired by Sir Peter Hendy CBE who will make recommendations on levelling up transport, infrastructure, and improve connectivity between Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England. We must all work together to improve and develop, not just by road and rail but also by air and sea links to secure a wholesome approach.
The Coronavirus has had a dramatic impact on all our lives and by improving connectivity it will also aid our economic recovery. As we look forward we must also embrace new technologies and understand the environmental impact of current and future infrastructure projects.
I look forward to seeing the final recommendations which will be published in Summer 2021. Connectivity between our four nations is vital and I welcome future projects to improve and develop, utilising new technologies and ensuring we invest in the future.