Clubs, gyms and sports facilities across the Country have closed. With that many have turned to online, taking virtual classes, downloading apps and watching various videos to keep fit. Though this is good news that people are staying active we must also recognise that these clubs and community organisations will need some support.
In light of this Sport England have made £195 million of funding available to help the sport and physical activity sector to help them through the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. I hope this packaging from the National lottery and UK government will help keep clubs and organisations going.
A £20 million community Emergency fund is already open to clubs and community organisations, with grants available from £300 to £10,000. This funding is available immediately and I hope will provide assurance to those affected in South Derbyshire.
An additional £55 million will be available across the UK to help the sector trough the restrictions and will help fund new ways to keep people active, this could be through online classes apps or other means.
There is also a £115 million rollover of current funding 2021/22 to give certainty to well established partners who play a vital role in delivering sport and physical activity in England. Sports England will also consider requests to make up to 50% of the coming years funding available to help the sector. If you would like further information on available funding or details on how to apply, please visit:
It is essential we support organisations where we can and help encourage people to stay active. Though there are restrictions and you are only allowed out once a day, there are still many ways to remain active at home and in the mean time I hope this funding will help give clubs and organisations in South Derbyshire the vital support they need at this time.