It is welcoming news that £5 million is being invested to support community projects to help peoples mental health. With people now staying at home and others being increasingly isolated due to the Coronavirus, this can have a detrimental impact on peoples mental health.
This extra funding will help provide a financial boost to organisations across the UK, including organisations in South Derbyshire. No one should have to cope with mental health alone, we must work together, helping one another and provide support. Sometimes even a quick message to someone to check they are ok can give them a small boost, letting them know they are not alone.
Every year approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem, this additional funding follows of the £4.2 million announced by the Health Secretary to help charities such as Samaritans, YoungMinds and Bipolar UK and this only marks the first round of funding.
I believe we need to work together, talk about mental health and provide support to make sure people know they are not alone and we are there to help. The Coronavirus has affected us all, if you are feeling isolated there is help available, visit to find out more.