I am amazed by the number of volunteers coming forward to help in the national effort to fight the Coronavirus. People in South Derbyshire have been doing a fantastic job helping their local communities and supporting vulnerable people. If you too would like to get involved and help then please see the list of contact details and links below which you may find helpful. Thank you for all you have done so far to help defeat the Coronavirus. Stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.
If you are a former Doctor, nurse, midwife, pharmacist or pharmacist technician considering returning to the NHS, please visit: https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/returning-clinicians/
If you would like to volunteer and help the NHS then please visit: https://www.goodsamapp.org/nhs
If you would like to help and volunteer in your local community through South Derbyshire’s Community Voluntary service, please visit: https://strongersouthderbyshire.org/offer-help-groups-businesses/
Derbyshire County Council have also created a community response unit to help with food delivery and checking on those who are self-isolating. To find out more please visit: https://derbyshire.gov.uk/social-health/health-and-wellbeing/health-protection/disease-control/coronavirus/community-response-unit/if-you-want-to-volunteer/if-you-want-to-volunteer.aspx