As we approach the Easter holidays, children of critical workers like our NHS staff and vulnerable children will still be attending school over the Easter break. In response the Government have confirmed a package of extra funding to cover the additional costs of keeping schools open over Easter.
As we continue to face the challenges presented by the Coronavirus, I believe it is right that the Government steps in to support schools that will remain open and therefore helping out front line staff in South Derbyshire. In addition to the extra funding announced the Government has published a list of resources to help parents and schools to support education at home.
Despite schools being closed and children being at home we must provide as much support as we can to make sure children continue to receive the best education possible. In addition to the list of resources online am also pleased that the BBC are working to produce a package of education material both online and on TV to help children learn.
Education is important to all and we must support children where we can but also give teachers and schools the support they need both with resources and financially as they are doing an outstanding job continuing to care for vulnerable children and critical workers.
You can find the list of resources to help support your children at: I hope that you find these useful and helpful tools to support your children’s education and keep them entertained whilst at home.