Recently, Heather and Sarah Dines MP met Thomas Crutchley from Sudbury Football Club, Uttoxeter & District Sunday League Chairman, Bill Bratt and local residents Wendy Sevier and Joanna Fitzalan Howard. The meeting was requested by Mr Thomas Crutchley as Sudbury Parish Council has relinquished their lease of the sports field opposite Sudbury Hall, giving the land back to The National Trust. The land has been leased by the Parish since Sudbury Hall was given to the National Trust by Lord Vernon and has been used by a football team since 1905. As players from the football team come from across the area, Heather Wheeler MP, Sarah Dines MP and Kate Kniveton MP are working together to understand the facts of the case.
Heather Wheeler MP said, ‘We should all be encouraging more people to play sports in our area, not reducing residents’ access to sporting facilities. I am looking forward to meeting with The National Trust to understand their decision as it does on the surface seem to be a counterproductive move, especially when the space is so well used by the community.’
‘It would be such a shame to see Sudbury Football Club cease to exist as clearly Lord Vernon intended the space to be used for recreation purposes when he gave the land to The National Trust. I know Sarah, Kate and I will get to the bottom of the issue and work with the local community to continue to grow sporting opportunities in our area.’
Sarah Dines MP said, ‘It is always wonderful when I have the opportunity to work with my Parliamentary colleagues to tackle issues that impact all of our areas. There has been a football team on the land opposite Sudbury Hall since 1905 and it seems heartbreaking to me that this fantastic local asset, which is well used by the community and the club has been given up.’
‘It is my understanding that the lease has been officially relinquished by the Parish Council, so our focus is now on meeting with the National Trust to understand their decision and also with the Football Club to ensure they have somewhere to play.