Job Support Scheme expanded to firms required to close due to Covid Restrictions 9th October 2020 Job Support Scheme will be expanded to support businesses across the UK required to close their premises due to coronavirus restrictions government will pay two... Articles
Reconnecting with Nature 7th October 2020 Over the past few months, people have begun to reconnect with nature. We have seen more families and friends take time to go on walks and enjoy the countryside... ArticlesLocal News
Heather Wheeler MP appointed as Trade Envoy to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. 5th October 2020 Mrs Heather Wheeler, MP for South Derbyshire, has been appointed as the Prime Ministers Trade Envoy to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. This is a crucial role to... ArticlesWestminster News
Heather Wheeler MP welcomes the review to improve connectivity between our four nations. 5th October 2020 Protecting and championing the relationship between our four nations is both right and important for future generations and the development of the United... Articles
Kickstart Scheme 30th September 2020 The Kickstart Scheme is a fantastic opportunity to help support young people at risk of long term unemployment get onto the job market. It is designed to help... Articles
Improving the lives of women in developing countries 23rd September 2020 Mrs Wheeler Many South Derbyshire residents have concerns about improving the lives of women in developing countries, as they often write to me about this. How... Speeches in Parliament
New government guidelines and rules to tackle COVID-19. 23rd September 2020 It is essential that we balance the need to protect lives and the impact on society and the economy as a whole. Unfortunately, we are seeing a rise in the... Articles
Heather Wheeler supports the UK’s moves to join the Trans-Pacific free trade area. 9th September 2020 The Trans-Pacific free trade area is one of the world’s largest and most dynamic free trade areas. As Britain looks to the future, we are keen to work with... Articles
94,000 meals claimed so far in South Derbyshire through the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme 4th September 2020 The Eat Out to Help Out scheme has been a fantastic success with over 100 million meals being claimed for. It is estimated to have saved 1.8 million jobs in... ArticlesLocal News